Computer Engineering

The importance of computer engineering is greatly increasing with the development of modern technology. There is some computer in all the tools used. Electronic devices that we use in our home, telephones, machines used to withdraw money in the bank, software and hardware are integrated in systems. So what are the concepts of computer engineering, hardware, software?

Computer engineering is basically a department that includes electrical-electronics engineering and computer science. It includes information and communication technologies developed to design, install and implement software and hardware components of computer systems and devices controlled by computers.

We examine the computer in two main parts, hardware and software. Hardware is parts The software is the most important part fort he user, but we cannot touch it. Even if teh computer hardware is fully assembled, it is not possible to use the computer. As soon as the computer is turned on, all the images displayed on screen, we play the games, and all the Windows that are open can be given as examples.

There are several areas where computer engineers can work. These areas are divided into four main groups: software, hardware, system and network. The preferred area of computer engineering is the software field.

Software is designed to perform various tasks, electronic devices to communicate with each other, which is the name given to the machine commands. The software is also used to communciate and communciate with machines. Examples include Java, Python, PHP, Visual Basic, Javascript. Software types for computer are divided into three groups, system software, application software, and dealer software.

There is the general name of units such as system software, operating system, compilers, various accessories.

Application software; software is designed to enable the user to do their work on the computer easily. This is an example of a software system application software that can keep track of and track customer’s money in automations.

Inverter software; software that converts written commands into machine language.

Recommendations to computer engineering students:

As in all engineering, there must be curiosity, interest, desire, discipline in computer engineering. Most of the information learned at school will be in business life, but do not take the training you see at school. They only show the foundation of everything in school. Try to learn more about yourself. Online courses are available. By taking part in the activities related to your department, you will get education from important people in the sector, listen to their experiences and you will have the opportunity to enter a great environment and meet new people. Students can learn the software by practicing. You should do projects related to the courses you see. For example, if the algoritm lesson is, try to solve the sample algorithm. You should make a project with several people by producing new ideas. In this way, you have learned about teamwork and you gain the habit of fulfiling your responsibilities in time.

You have to make career planning. When you graduate, it will be useful for you to decide what you want to do. Informatics is a sector with dozens of different business areas. You should know what you will enjoy doing, what skills to improve, and the area you want to work with. English is a compulsory language for someone who wants to work in the IT sector.

Even if you do not have any thoughts about working abroad, you should be able to read and understand the document.

In addition, you must be on a blog page and must be active on sharing platforms. While doing all this, of yourse you should enjoy the life of the university without giving up your social life.



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