Under the term rebranding, many people imagine a change in the logo, name or visual style of a brand. When is it appropriate to rebrand a company and how to do it as best as possible? We will discuss the details and practical examples in this article.
Rebranding is generally perceived as a change of brand. The change can be visual, but it can also completely change the entire company name. Many companies make visual changes. For example, Google updates slightly improve or changes the logo. In contrast, RWE will come up with a new name, Innogy. Logos are often modernized, names are shortened, but nothing fundamental changes for the customer.
Rebranding is done for a specific purpose. Most often, it targets a different circle of customers, expanding the portfolio, but it can also be a narrower specialization of the company. Sometimes a company wants to show that something will just be different. If you were not satisfied with RWE, we at Innogy are different as energy providers.
There is a dual approach to rebranding. We change and improve something, come with us. Or, conversely, the company does not inform about the change of the brand. Then she pretends to present herself with her new name for years. It is worth mentioning the rebranding of Apple or Apple Computer Inc. Although the visuals changed, the apple remained the apple and Apple remained the Apple, it is now Apple Inc. Hitting a name for the first time is respectable, and the more occupied domain names there are, the more difficult this task is.
The most difficult is rebranding when the name changes. Your customers may be talking about the old name, and unfortunately, this phenomenon can last for several years. A complete name change can spell disaster in a spoken community of people. You will probably lose what people are whispering and you will have to put a lot of effort into communicating the new name.
Don't be afraid to adopt the new logo. When changing the logo, expect to spend on promotional items. You will also need to change logos on websites, advertisements and even billboards. The more advertising space you cover, the greater the cost. Find a good time for the most expensive advertising campaigns to run out, and their replacement will be smooth and will not involve drastic extra costs.